Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Meet Lucy Pinder, Easter Sunday, near(ish) Dublin

Lucy Pinder is appearing at the Xango Nightclub, Castle Arch Hotel, Trim, sort-of-near Dublin, on Easter Sunday 8th April.

A must-do for any Irish Lucy fan! Big Smile

The event is the FHM Cover Girl Easter Bunny Party by Black Book Events. (It isn't actually anything to do with FHM, they're just using that tag to gain attention.)

Facebook page for the event:

Sabine Jemeljanova and Rhian Sugden are also appearing.

Location map for the event: you can see it's miles from anywhere and doesn't even have a railway station. Not sure how people are actually supposed to get there Confused let's hope it isn't too much of a flop!

Friday, 16 March 2012

"Strippers vs Werewolves" - Preorder Lucy's film debut!

Lucy Pinder's film debut in Strippers vs Werewolves is now available for preorder on Amazon! The film is in cinemas from 27th April; the DVD is released on 7th May. Definitely one not to be missed!

Preorder the DVD here:

Lucy Pinder in Strippers vs Werewolves

Strippers vs Werewolves poster

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Lucy Pinder - Ruth Rose shoot pics

Two pics have been released from Lucy Pinder's January shoot with Ruth Rose Photography... Super stuff, would be great to see Lucy do more like this!

Lucy Pinder - Ruth Rose shoot 19-01-2012 - 01

Lucy Pinder - Ruth Rose shoot 19-01-2012 - 02