Monday, 2 April 2012

Celebrate National Lucy Pinder Day with Nuts this Tuesday!

It looks like Nuts have remembered that this Tuesday is National Lucy Pinder Day and have given us a big treat :D

For the first time in months and months we have a full size Lucy feature in Nuts! What a treat we have in store on Tuesday! You'll all be queueing outside the newsagents at first light, won't you :D

Let's hope too that this is a sign that the drought is over, and Girl Management are going to start pulling their finger out and finding Lucy the work - Get her back to a feature like this every month or two, like she always used to be :)

Lucy Pinder - Nuts 03-04-2012 Sneak Peek 1

Lucy Pinder - Nuts 03-04-2012 Sneak Peek 2

Lucy Pinder - Nuts 03-04-2012 Sneak Peek 3